Heart Procedures Get New Tool

Helping doctors and patients prepare for surgery

The latest tool to help doctors out is one of the most advanced you can find in the hospital. It uses 3D laser scanning, but it connects other pieces of equipment necessary when performing a cardiovascular procedure. This is a very scary process for the patient and can be very stressful for doctors. By acquiring the latest tools, a patient can feel more secure about going into surgery. A doctor can feel assured that every tool in the room is aimed to help.

The latest tool that uses 3D laser scanning is called Azurion. This connected other pieces of equipment that do different imaging. For example, it links blood flow imaging, patient information, and allows patients to have bedside control. All while monitoring the person who is having surgery. Now this does get rid of some of the work the doctors have to do but does not replace everything. It is the latest addition that can help observe and keep track of a patient.

“This next-generation Azurion makes routine cardiovascular procedures more efficient and supports the development of new minimally-invasive techniques to treat complex diseases such as stroke, lung cancer and spine disorders,” Says Ronald Tabaksblat a general manager for Philips’ image-guided therapy systems business. This is the business that helped create Azurion.

This equipment has helped over 200 million procedures all over the world. With the latest updates, many more hospitals will adopt this technology, especially for heart procedures and surgeries. It is a minimally, non-invasive way to get extra help during surgery. It can help the doctors move faster, and the patients recover quicker.

How does full-body imaging work

3D laser scanning can come in many different forms, and one of the best ways is by full-body scanning. This is what they typically use in a hospital because it allows the doctor to view the whole body and identify any problem areas.

Typically, someone will either stand or lay while a fast-acting machine takes pictures of the person. Depending on how advanced the machine is, it can mix things and link other machines together. This can allow a doctor to see below the skin, like an x-ray, as well as the outside. They can see blood flow, heart shapes, and bone structure too.

As the pictures are being taken, laser traces over the body and the distance the light beam travels are being measured. This helps doctors understand a person’s dimensions and very small details that may go unnoticed but could be necessary to know to keep someone healthy. All information is useful when entering a procedure.

Final thoughts

3D laser scanning has entered our world, and many doctors are finding the advantages to be too good to pass up. It allows them to understand patients on a deeper level. It allows a doctor to see beneath the surface and gain greater insight before going into an operation. Having all of the information on a patient in one place can be life-saving.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning

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